After finishing the last classroom session of our Productivity Bootcamp in mid-July, we’re exploring ways to reinforce what we learned together.
Our goal is simple yet ambitious: To build the most effective approach possible to help busy executives become more productive leaders. This means moving from classroom to company and applying what we’ve learned.
Becoming more effective leaders requires us to be aware of, and then change unproductive behaviors. This takes time, discipline, and periodic 360-degree feedback. While classroom work is useful in learning key concepts and techniques, applying what we’ve learned and monitoring the results are the true measures of progress.
Because our Bootcamp executives have unique industry experience and expertise, we’re testing ways we can learn from and help one another through in-person and virtual company site visits. Here’s our Before, During, After process we’re following:
1. Before: identify one work challenge the executives have in common
2. During: tour the facility, learn more about the business, brainstorm solutions to the challenge we’ve identified, develop a preliminary action plan, review next steps
3. After: share preliminary action plan, confirm next steps, including who will do what by when
This is a trial event and we’ll let you know how it goes. If you’re interested in joining our next Bootcamp starting in mid-September, or have questions about this one, please contact me at
Finally, here are questions executives answered regarding a major work challenge they’re facing.
Challenge (Title/Name)
- Provide a brief synopsis of the problem:
- How long ago did this problem surface?
- What are the underlying reason(s) for this problem?
- Do other leaders recognize that this is a top priority that needs fixing immediately?
- Problem is a top priority versus important:
- Needs fixing immediately versus in a general timeframe (identify that timeframe in # of months)
- What’s the cost of not fixing this problem?
- Identify how you’re calculating this estimated cost
- Estimate how much $ this problem is costing your company
- Cost per day:
- Cost per year:
- How much investment is required to fix this problem? (Think in terms of external and internal resources)
- External resources (software, consulting, training etc.)
- Internal resources (estimated # FTEs and hours required at average hourly rate)
- How long will it take?
- How do you recommend fixing the problem? (If you’re not sure indicate this)